Monday, June 20, 2011

things i forgot about in the 5 years i wasn’t pregnant

  • EVERYONE wants to touch my stomach.  I don’t mind my friends and family, but people I barely know … that’s just creepy.
  • The backache, the boobache, the buttache, all the aches.  Seriously, why does my tailbone hurt no matter how much cushion I’m sitting on??
  • My stomach literally feels like the heaviest thing in the world.
  • Getting out of chairs is next to impossible.
  • There is no such thing as a comfortable sleeping position.
  • The novelty of pregnancy (for me) wears off pretty quickly.
  • Sitting on the toilet is ridiculous.  I feel like I need a sling to pull my stomach up because straddling the toilet is just not an option.
  • Riding a bike without possibly giving my baby shaken baby syndrome is also impossible.
  • I’m pretty sure in about a month I will be unable to clip my toenails or shave my legs.
  • I REALLY miss sushi.  And bloody rare steak.
  • Because I can't eat it I miss hot dogs and lunch meat.  I don't really like those things when I'm not pregnant.
But really, now that I’m not feeling like puking after everything I eat I feel much better.  The heat’s started here … today was 97 degrees and it was slightly miserable, but we have air conditioning so I really can’t complain.  Ask me in a few more days though.

I love how excited Emma is, how she loves to hug my tummy, give it kisses and tell the baby how she loves her. 

Yesterday we were at my sister’s house for Father’s Day and my nephew pointed at my tummy and asked ‘What’s that?’  I said it was the baby in my tummy.  He asked if he could see it and I told him that he really couldn’t see anything because it’s inside Auntie’s tummy.  He insisted.  I lifted my shirt over my belly so he could see and he did look disappointed.  My tattoos were not interesting to him, he wanted to see a baby.  I reminded him that the baby was in Auntie’s tummy just like Chloe was in Mama’s tummy.  My sister was standing next to me holding Chloe (who’s a little over a year now) and Chloe looked around like, ‘what the heck is she talking about??’  I told Dominic he could touch my tummy where the baby was so he did.  He was slightly fascinated, slightly unimpressed.  Chloe also wanted to touch.  This morning my sister told me Dominic told her ‘Auntie let me feel the baby last week.  I think she’s going to hatch soon.’

And that, my bloggie friends is what makes this pregnancy so much more fun than the last one!

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