Monday, January 10, 2011

How Dare You Sir!

I've been playing LEGO Harry Potter pretty much since it came out.  We have it for the Wii, rented it from Blockbuster for the PS3 and have it from Gamefly for the XBox.  I finished it on the PS3 in about a week, got 100% and everything (pin a rose on my nose).  Now I'm playing it on the XBox because the PS3 and XBox both have trophies (on PS3) and achievements (on the XBox) and I am an anal retentive OCD perfectionist.  I must have all the achievements.

Let me tell you about two things that bother me.

First, there are some really random things you have to do to get all the character tokens or gold bricks.  I have to shoot around at things like a madperson just to see if something will work.

Second, sometimes you have to replay levels in 'Free Play' mode as another character so you can go back and get crap you couldn't get before.  Either because you didn't learn a particular spell yet or because you need Dark Magic (oooohh).  Only a few characters can use Dark Magic, Lucius Malfoy and Lord Voldemort are two.  So I play with Lucius because you don't get LV til the end.

Anyway, when I have to replay the levels that require me to go into the Weasley's house or Dumbledore's office I HATE taking Lucius in there with me.  I feel like I'm betraying someone.

I know.  I'm weird.

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