Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Have I ever mentioned that I love my OB?  Just in case you want to know of a good OB to go to at Kaiser Santa Clara and she's taking new patients you should get Dr. Catherine Berger.  She's awesome.

When I was preggo with Emma I had a male OB because I wasn't really picky and I needed to choose someone fast.  He was nice enough, but very distant, not easy to talk to and kind of dismissive of any concerns I had during my pregnancy.  He was also really old so I'm wondering if maybe he was just counting down the days until his retirement.

Anyhoo ... the doctor that delivered Emma was great.  Even though my delivery was a nightmare she (besides actually getting Emma) was the bright spot - well her and my anesthesiologist - of that experience.  She wasn't taking new patients officially but since I just had a baby and wouldn't be having another right away she took me on.  Unfortunately, she left Kaiser about a year after Emma was born.  Boooooo!

Finally I found Dr. Berger.  I chose her mostly because she was at Kaiser Santa Clara and I swore after my delivery experience at Santa Theresa I was never going to step foot in L&D there again.  Santa Clara is relatively brand new and that's where I was going to deliver next time.  She's been fantastic through all of my infertility stuff, any concerns I've had and she's super responsive.  I love her!

Well now with the diabetes I see a High Risk Pregnancy NP in addition to Dr. Berger.  She does almost the same things Dr. Berger does except she focuses more on how I'm coping with my diabetes.  She'll also do the ultrasound in October to determine if we have to deliver early.  I see her once every other week.  I see Dr. Berger once a month and then I have stress tests twice a week.

I also love my NP Castellanos.  She's a lot to take in at first, lots of personality, but dangit you know she's listening to you.  She's aggressive with her treatments, she doesn't want to take any chances and she doesn't want to do the 'let's wait and see' tactic because there's only so much time left.

Today she prescribed me with a stronger dose of acid reflux meds that she said will help a whole lot.  I'm ecstatic.  I can't wait to go to bed tonight because there is now a good possibility that I will sleep through the night!  Woo hoo!

Yet, I can't help but feel like I'm cheating on Dr. Berger!  She told me I could take 75mg twice a day.  Granted, I haven't had the chance to let her know that it wasn't working for me so she couldn't offer me an alternative yet and I'm sure she would have prescribed me the same 300mg that NP Castellanos.  Still I feel like a giant cheater! 

I'm sure she'll forgive me though!

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